От издателя As a director, Wes Craven has been able to infuse his horror movies with humor and some smart, often genuinely creepy, thrills, even on his lowest-budgeted films As a producer of horror movies, wапожфell, his record has been spotty at best Craven tapped his longtime editor Patrick Lussier to direct Dracula 2000, and the movie ends up with all the good and bad of "a Wes Craven production" A modern-day update of the Dracula legend, the script has some genббввыuinely good ideas Christopher Plummer (The Insider) takes a relatively juicy role as Van Helsing, owner of an antiques shop specializing in ancient weapons He takes exception to how his namesake was portrayed in Bram Stoker's classic novel, which he's more than happy to tell his assistant (Jonny Lee Miller, "Sick Boy" from Trainspotting) without telling him the whole story When Omar Epps leads a band of high-tech criminals to break into Van Helsing's high security vault (бнйжгthinking that with so much security there's got to be something extremely valuable in there), what they end up stealing is the body of Dracula, who of course awakens from his slumber When the story shifts to New Orleans, where Van Helsing's estranged daughter is working for the local Virgin Megastore (here metaphor is replaced by product placement), Dracula is drawn to her The undead start to multiply, and the vampire hunt resumes Another excellent idea deals with a new origin to Dracula, flashing back to biblical times to explain his aversion to silver and crosses But there is a downside Under the inept direction of Lussier the movie is never scary, inspiring instead an occasional feeling of pity for the actors Overall, this a vampire movie for the mind, not the heart * * * * * Банда воров, оснащенных по последнему слову техники, проникает в хранилище известного лондонского антиквара Ван Хелсинга Прихватив добычу, они скрываются из страны … Обеспокоенный Ван Хелсинбсцунг отправляется по следам грабителей, а за ним его помощник Саймон, заинтригованный тайной антиквара Тот, с кем Саймон в итоге сталкивается, превосходит все ожидания! Его могущество безгранично, а деяния - ужасны! Его имя - Дракула И лишь один человек на Земле знает правду Но всей правды не знает никто! Режиссер: Патрик Люсье Продюсер: Джоэль Суассон Творческий коллектив Дополнительные материалы Feature Commentary Track with Director Patrick Lussier and Screenwriter Joel Soisson Deleted Scenes Commentary by Director Patrick Lussier and Screenwriter Joel Soisson Extended Scenes Commentary by Director Patrick Lussier Behind The Scenes Auditions Storyboards Theatrical Trailer Режиссер Патрик Люсье Patrick Lussier Актеры (показать всех актеров) Джонни Ли Миллер Jonny Lee Miller Кристофер Пламмер Christopher Plummer Артур Кристофер Орме Пламмер, более известный как Кристофер Пламмер, считается одним из наиболее блестящих канадских актеров своего поколения бтпцеВ начале 60-х он потряс зрителей исполнением роли Гамлета в телепостановке Начиная с первогоего появления на Джерард Батлер Gerard Butler.